From The Man Who Invented It, The Only "Real Estate From Home" Course In Existence!  For The Serious Real Estate Investor Who Wants To Learn...

"How To Buy And Sell Real Estate In Less Than 27 Minutes Without Leaving Your House!"

"Just One Of The Secrets I Am About To Share With Shows You Exactly How To Make Over $3,174.65 In The Next 23 Days!"

Incredible, Merciless, Step-By-Step Real Estate And Real Wealth Training!

Find Out Exactly How...

You can build the ultimate home based business, you will be able to build your real estate cash cow without leaving your house.

Over the next 10 days I will show you exactly how to:

  • Buy and sell homes without leaving your house!

  • Buy properties without having your credit checked!

  • Purchase properties with no money down!

  • Get paid to buy properties, actually walk away from closing with cash in your pocket!

  • Own two million dollars in real estate in less than a year!

  • Purchase properties in a matter of minutes even with bad credit!

  • Put your kids through college and retire early from your real estate investments.

  • Buy properties for 10% over market value and still make money!

  • Have your phone ringing off the hook with people begging you to take their money!

  • Turn your business into a system that makes you over $15,716.32 a month, each and every month!


You are going to get this crash course once-in-a-lifetime education for less than for the next 10 days!  And it won't cost you an arm and a leg it is actually less than most people spend on coffee.  Only with the Internet am I able to offer this incredible discount and offer you the chance to partner with me as we build your cash cow together.


Now you will get everything at once!  You will get three books, two ebooks and a two hour audio book - all within minutes of ordering.

The Ultimate Home Based Business!

From The Desk Of: Azam Meo (Picture At Bottom Of Page)
Thursday, 1:48 AM (I work late)

Click "Play" To Hear A 150+ Year Old Secret And What It Means To You...

Dear Entrepreneur Who Wants A Cash Cow,

You probably think I am crazy.

I know, I have heard many people call me that in the past.  But then one of two things happens to them and the same goes for you.  You will do one of two things, you have a choice to make either:

You stick around see for yourself exactly how this works and get the education of a lifetime.


You leave and make one of the biggest mistakes of your life. 

This is one of the defining moments in your life.  I can't decide for you but I can tell you that if you stick around you will see a whole new world of possibilities.  You will see a way of making money in real estate that you have never even heard of.

Do you have a burning desire to make money in real estate?  Have you spent money in the past to learn about real estate only to be disappointed and left without a clue what to do next?

Do you want to start buying properties today regardless of your credit and with little to money down?

What if you could do all of this and even more WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOUSE?

Is that something you would want to learn?  Who wouldn't, right? 

Then this letter is the most important letter you will ever read!

How can I be so sure that you will not learn this anywhere else and that if you leave here you can "bye bye" to any chance of being able to buy real estate this way?

That is a valid question, after all it is not every day that you really come across the real deal and you have to drop everything and hear what they have to say. 

Allow me to properly address that concern and introduce myself and tell you exactly why reading this letter will be one of the smartest things you ever do. 

You Will NOT Find This Information Or These Methods Anywhere Else In The World.  Nobody Else Can Teach You These Methods! They Have Been Trademarked Right After I Invented Them!

My name is Azam Meo, pronounced "Ozzum Mayo", and I am about to show you a revolutionary way to make money in real estate.

I am going to show you how to buy and sell real estate without leaving your house

I know that this all sounds crazy and you have never heard about this but don't worry.  The reason you have never heard about this is because I INVENTED IT!  

Other real estate "gurus" don't even know about how this works, I truly invented this method, nobody anywhere else is teaching this.

I mean that.

This is not regurgitated information that I heard might work, I have spent hundreds of thousands in research, hundreds of hours a month, countless hours testing and retesting to develop this method.  I will get into more detail later, but for now just know it wasn't easy.

But it was worth it because now I have a turn key operation that works anywhere where there is land.  Working with me you will be able to do this all from the comfort of you recliner, literally, you don't even need to leave the recliner.

That is the kind of money making system I wanted, one that would allow me to stay at home as much as possible.  When I started out I had no idea that it would lead to such a phenomenon and impact so many people across the globe. 

So let's start there, how this crazy system came together and the exact steps you need to take to make a fortune in this business with our model. 

"How A Loyal Right Hand Man To One Of America's Premier Real Estate Gurus Stumbled Upon A $467,984.35 CASH COW And What It Means To YOU!"

For over eight years I was the right-hand man for one of the greatest real estate minds of our era.  It has been a pleasure and I am proud to be able to work so closely with one of my mentors and a close personal friend, Joe Crump.

When you work with a real life guru you go through a lot of ideas.  You are constantly testing and and testing different ideas to see which ones will work and which ones don't.

We have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars testing to find winning systems and ideas.  I have made more mistakes then you can imagine. 

I have showed up to appointments with no business cards, I have presented purchase agreements without the proper information filled in before hand, I have pulled comps for the wrong property and drove an hour to the wrong house on the wrong day, I have wrote offers on properties and had sellers and Realtors laugh in my face or call me up cussing.

I have even had dogs attack me and once a cow took a huge dump on my car.  So when I say that I have made mistakes, believe me I have made mistakes. 

But it wasn't all mistakes, I have learned a lot and tried never to make the same mistakes twice.  I had a front row seat to a thrilling ride as I loyally served as a right hand man, I have seen how fortunes are made.

At one point I handled the entire real estate business.  Gurus are usually pretty picky with who they work with, let alone who they hand the keys to so I considered it an honor and a symbol of how far I have come from a "burger flipping" young guy with a dream.

I was able to completely change my reality, and all it took was some simple modifications here and there.  But most importantly I had to use a system.

Like I said we were constantly developing new ideas and turning them into systems that anybody can use and make money.  You can imagine how much work I had and how much money.

It was very involved and I wanted to optimize it more and more.  No longer was it about the money, it was about how to make the most and do the least.  We were in a position where we could test out new ideas and see how to optimize every aspect of our business.

"The Real Reason Nobody Else Has Ever Done Anything Like This And Why You Will NOT Find This Information Anywhere Else In The World!"

At the time I understood the entire process of being able to make a fortune in real estate.  Since we already had a loyal following from all across the globe from people who are using our techniques I wanted to raise the bar a little. 

This is where most people stop.  They would be content with the situation, after all the money is good, but I didn't rest on our laurels.

I was determined to develop a system that was even more robust then the current system.  I wanted to make this even easier and more profitable for people to use.

So I started testing new ideas and new ways to cut down the amount of time I was spending going out the properties, driving around, meeting sellers, going to closings, doing inspections, qualifying buyers, delivering paperwork, getting verifications, etc.

I wanted to cut down on all the time I was spending and find a way to speed everything up so I could close more deals in less time and I wanted to do less.

That was my challenge:

  • Do less to close each deal.

  • Make more money on each deal.

  • Close the deals quicker.

  • Do deals with little risk and/or horrible credit.

  • Close several times more deals because they close so much quicker.

Slowly I started developing systems to handle everything, I started to see how simple it was just to make a simple adjustment and watch it save me hours and hours. 

I kept working away at it, I was constantly thinking about how I can make each step in our system come together faster and easier, not just for me but the people I work with.

After long hours and thousands upon thousands of dollars invested in testing, I did it.  We had the answer.  Not only was I able to minimize my time but increase the results, it was incredible.

I had not only met but far exceeded the challenges and goals I had set out to do.  Now I had a complete system that was fool proof and was working again and again and again.

With this new system I was able to:

  • Put deals together in a matter of minutes.

  • Make more money on each deal.

  • Close deals in a fraction of the time "traditional" deals take.

  • Close five times more deals because they are so quick and easy.

  • Do deals with absolutely no risk and regardless of your credit.

  • Do all of this without leaving my house!

It was great, this system was truly remarkable and immediately students from all over the world fell in love with this new system. 

People couldn't believe me how simple it was to put deals together using the model I had laid out for them.  It was very quickly becoming a phenomenon and people were blown away by how effective this system is.

I remember at one of our $10,000 Bootcamps after we showed the attendees, who each paid $10,000 of course, this secret little system they were floored.  They didn't know what to say.

I made a few recordings the night before the Bootcamp, these were of me actually going through the entire process and putting deals together in a matter of minutes.  I had people come up to me and tell me that after just hearing me in action for 7 minutes they felt like they got their money's worth.

7 minutes of hearing my techniques worth $10,000, yeah it really is that powerful. 

But let's talk about how much money you are going to be able to make after learning this system.  Earlier I called it a "$467,984.35 Cash Cow" how did I come up with that number?

Is that realistic?

Before we even start speculating about how much money you can make you need to know what it takes to make money in real estate.

You already know that I developed and invented this incredibly lucrative method of real estate investing so now you need to know exactly what is needed to make it work.

Then all you will have to do is apply the principles you learn and apply my concepts and you will be on your way to building your own cash cow.

I sometimes get criticized by other real estate "gurus" because I give so much information away on this site for next to noting.  You get to see a "behind the scenes" look into how real estate fortunes are made, and many people don't like that.

I don't care.

I think you need to know exactly what you are committing to.  I want everybody that I work with to know exactly what it takes, and what it doesn't, to build their cash cow. 

Yes I give you information that most people charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for, but I think you need to have as much information as possible to make the best decision. 

I don't want you to invest a penny in my program or yourself unless you know exactly what you are getting into.  I make everything absolutely clear and without question.

That is why I can afford to offer my "100x Times Your Money Back" that I will explain later, but yes if you apply my ideas and concepts, if you take action and you don't see the kinds of results I have been talking about you get every penny back.

If you do what I say and it doesn't work for you I don't even want your money. 

Anyways, back to what it takes to make this process work for you, and what makes my program so powerful. 

"The Essential Two Step Process You MUST Know To Make A Fortune In Real Estate!"

If you only understand how to carry out these two simple tasks you will become filthy rich.

You absolutely have to understand what I am about to tell you if you ever want to make any kind of real money in real estate.  This is why the average real estate license holder makes just under $3,000 a year. 

Remember that the whole point here is that you need specific knowledge to be able to do any kind of real damage or make any kind of real money.

You need to know what works, you need to get the knowledge that successful people have, you need this knowledge so that you can act upon it and get similar results that wealthy people get.

"Without Doing This You Are Guaranteed NOT To Make More Than $3,000 A Year!"

I just explained the reason why most people who have real estate licenses never make more than $3,000 a year; they lack the right kind of specific knowledge.

You need to hunt down the valuable knowledge not the useless junk that will keep you broke.  You need to learn how to build a real cash cow.

This the two step process that you must know to build your cash cow in real estate.  Remember that I will take you by the hand and walk you through everything, but just so you know here is the process.

You must know exactly how to:

Find an unlimited supply of motivated sellers.

Get them to work with you.

If you just find motivated sellers and stop there you are not going to get very far.  You have to find a method of not only finding these motivated sellers but also working with them.

Getting motivated sellers, I will just call them sellers from now on, to work with you is easy as long as you know what you are doing.  When you can offer a solution to these people they are going to jump all over it. 

The trick is to presenting the best solution to their problem and being able to make money at the same time.  It is great to be able to help people but if you can help people and make money you are really getting something special done.

So once you tap into the sources and find the abundance of motivated sellers, your work is not done, you need to understand the problems, the challenges, the pain that they have and then you need to have the right, lucrative solution.

"Find Out Exactly How To Find Motivated Sellers And Have Them Eating Out Of The Palm Of Your Hand!"

You will have to find motivated sellers and I will show you exactly how to do that.  With this system I am going to show you:

  • Hotspots where highly motivated sellers come a dime a dozen.

  • Five fool proof ways to find motivated sellers without leaving your house.

  • How to employ a team of "scouts" who work on commission so you only pay them out of what they bring you.

  • The three magical phrases that will keep your phone ringing off the hook with sellers begging you to take their properties.

  • How to get started right now for FREE, no start up costs - nothing.

  • Four tell tale signs that you will use to pick motivated sellers right out of your local newspapers at will. (this technique is not calling FSBOs - this is unheard of)

  • Get paid thousands and thousands of dollars to "buy" properties.

  • How to find a boatload of motivated sellers within minutes and without spending a penny on advertising.

I think you get the point, which is that you will be able to find deals and sellers to work with if you know what to do.  In order to effectively market anything and truly make a fortune you must provide a solution to a plaguing problem.

When people are in trouble and they need to get out of their house, that is a plaguing a problem and you are their knight in shining armor.

Now you see that I will be showing you exactly how to find a ton of motivated sellers, now you need to know what do with them.  I will get into that a little bit later just know that I spend time and make sure you really understand how this whole process works and how you can make deals come together with a snap of your fingers.

So after you buy these properties and you have brought  the deal together on that end, how do you unload them?  How do you get rid of them quickly and for a profit.

Buyers for deals come a dime a dozen.  So do investors.  You will never have any trouble finding investors to buy your deals because you won't touch the deal unless it makes sense.

So you have the buyer and the seller what else is left?

Nothing we have just covered every aspect of how to build this thing from the ground up!

"The Do Or Die Ingredient You Must Have If You Don't Want To Be One Of The Millions Of Battered And Failed Real Estate Investors!"

Let's face it.

You need specific knowledge to do any of this.  You need to have an education, and I don't mean a degree that you get from school.  You need a very specific education regarding very specific knowledge.

Only by being educated enough to help sellers will be you be able to work with them.  You have to be able to structure deals so that that the sellers, the buyers, and you all get what you want.  It is more than just simply locating motivated sellers.

If you don't work with the sellers you will not make any money.  I hear from so many students that they just didn't know what to do and they are lost until they started working with me because I tell them exactly what to do.

You have to solid, reliable techniques and methods that assure that when you find motivated sellers they will work with you. 

You can even build systems that bring motivated sellers to you, but again you have to have the specific knowledge and the training to be able to handle the sellers in an optimal way. 

Once you know what you are doing you will be able to put deals together in with comfort and ease because great deals are all around you every day.  You just have to know what you are looking for. 

The deals I will be using as examples are not very special and you will find deals like this all over the world especially in America.  The numbers may be different but the numbers aren't important, it is the concept the numbers are illustrating.

Remember that you are providing a solution to a burning problem.  You are giving people a way out of a huge problem, a problem that they got into without you. 

Sellers become motivated for a variety of reasons:

  • They can no longer afford the payments

  • Divorce or separation

  • Job loss

  • Relocating

  • Health issues

  • Sellers are downgrading

  • Job transfer

  • Death

  • Increase in taxes

  • Lawsuits

  • Empty nesters

  • Rising interest rates

  • Aging

  • Corporate downsizing

  • Management headaches

  • Area

  • Debt

  • Insurance

  • Reduced income

  • Economic situations

I could go on but the point is that there are people all around you everyday that are motivated sellers, everybody gets into a jam at some point.  There are countless reasons sellers become motivated. 

But these countless reasons are constant and you will always find motivated sellers or "don't wanters" you want to get out of their homes.  You are helping these people by providing an priceless service that will save their financial lives, you are not going to be taking advantage of anyone. 

So never say that motivated sellers are hard to come by or that you can't find them, you are just not looking in the right places.

Part of your job is going to be determining how motivated your seller is, because unless they are truly motivated you may be wasting your time.

Another grossly overlooked aspect is that you need to educate the people you work with, after you learn from me you will be so far ahead of most "wannabe" investors that once you educate a seller and show them the facts they will be forced to work with you because there is no better choice. 

"The Secret To Finding An Unlimited Supply Of Motivated Sellers And How To Get Them Lined Up And Dying To Work With You!"

This is where it gets interesting. 

In order to keep a constant flow of deals what will make you money again and again, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, you will have to use a system.

You have to use a system that will allow you to tap into "seller sources" then this system also needs to have proven and tested techniques to work with these sellers.

This system will even deliver motivated sellers to you, they will be begging you to take their properties, in fact sellers will give you thousands of dollars just to take their properties.

One key here is that you need to know what you are doing, you have to be using a proven system to get this done.  It is essential that you know how to convert motivated sellers into cash by helping them.

Once you understand this you will be on your way to making a killing in real estate.  If you have a system to find and then work with motivated sellers, they will be dying to work you. 

See the problem is that most real estate "investors" don't have a clue what they are doing.  They are lost.  When they do happen to stumble upon a seller they have no idea how to solve the problem that seller has.

The secret is to solve the seller's problem.

So if the seller does work with them, thinking that this investors knows what he is doing, they are both worse off because neither the seller nor the investor knows how to handle the situation. 

In order for you to work with sellers you need to know how to solve their problems.  Once you know how to structure deals and move them quickly and hassle-free you will be a seller's dream come true.

"Learn This Secret And Have Sellers Beating Down Your Door Begging You To Take Their Properties."

So the secret to finding unlimited motivated sellers and getting them to work with you is a mix of this, you need to have the specific knowledge required to solve their problems and acquire new business.

You have to know how to put the deals together and also how to find an untapped source of new deals.  You will be using a variety of systems that we developed to do all of this.

After you are done with you training you will be able to sit down and pick deals up in a matter of minutes, literally, you will know how to find motivated sellers and locate them within seconds whether in your local newspapers, national newspapers, other publications, and also even the Internet.

I teach you the specific knowledge needed to do all of this. 

Did you know that there are thousands upon thousands of motivated sellers on the Internet begging for somebody to take their property, there are 5 sure fire ways to tell if the seller is worth your time, if you don't know them you will waste your time.

There are other methods as well to finding motivated sellers and ways to work with them.  That was just one and will deliver more business to you than you can handle.

I will teach you special and unheard of marketing strategies, dialogs, contract specs, negotiating techniques, lead generation systems, and much more!  Each one of these vehicle will deliver you more business than you can handle.

It is all included in my program. 

Right now let's talk about making some money, by know you have a good idea of who I am and why you will not find this information anywhere else so let's take a second and talk about how much money you can realistically make using this system. 

Specific Knowledge:
"Shows You Exactly How To Make Over $3,174.65 In The Next 23 Days!"

You want to make money right now, immediately, right?

You want to do it regardless of your current situation? 

Do you really want it?

Let's look at what you can make immediately, remember I regularly hear from people who put this system into action and do much better than this in days, but I want to be conservative.  How, exactly, can you make this much money in less than a month?

You understand that you will not find this information or these methods taught by anybody else, now what?

The first thing you need is to know what you are doing or be working with somebody that knows what they are doing.  You need specific step-by-step instructions that show you exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it, you need a mentor.  That's me. 

With that said I will go over a very reasonable and realistic demonstration of exactly how to make this kind of money. 

Right now I am going to walk you through a very simple example, this example is not special and as you have already seen you can find these kind of deals anywhere.

So now let's look at just one example of how you can started and make some immediate cash in the next few weeks, or even days. 

We will look at just one deal.

These numbers are not important but they are from actual deals.

We have a seller who has a property worth $110,000, again the numbers may vary but we will keep it simple by using nice easy numbers.  The seller owes $100,000 on the property. 

They want to get rid of it fast.  If they list it with a Realtor and get the average 98% percent of the asking price the selling price will be $107,800.  Then they will have to pay around 7% real estate commission from that which means they will end up with $100,254.

The sellers will get $100,254 now we will be conservative and say that they are looking at $3,000 in closing costs.  So the seller's actually walk away with $97,254. 

The are losing money they will have to come to closing with $2,746.  This is not a good situation for the sellers.

On top of paying over $2,700 to get their home sold they will be making mortgage payments as well.  We will say their mortgage payment  is 1% of the mortgage amount which is $1,000.  So if the property takes 3 months to sell the sellers will pay an extra $3,000 on top of the $2,700. 

This means that if these people sell their property it will cost them $5,700 just to sell their property in 3 months.  

That is one option the sellers have.

"This Is Why Sellers Are Begging To Work With Somebody Like You!"

Do you see why sellers are dying to work with somebody like you?  They need a properly trained real estate expert to get rid of their headache.  They want to get out as soon as possible, they don't want to keep living in a house that they can't afford. 

They need somebody with the specific knowledge that I will teach you.

Now let's say you went to the seller and you gave them exactly what they wanted; you got them out of house immediately.  They can move out the very same day they talk to you and you will make that payment of $1,000 a month.

You will continue to make the payments on the property for a few years, we will say 3-5 years, and then you will go and get a new loan for the property in your name. 

Remember that everyday there of are thousands of sellers who find themselves in this situation, hundreds in your area, we are just talking about working with one. 

So they can come to closing with $5,700 but instead they work with you.  You tell them they can move out right away and all they need to do is pay for 3 months on the mortgage, this will cost them $3,000. 

They pay you $3,000 and it is still a great deal for them because they are saving $2,700 by working with you.  So you make money and help them out.

Now you hand it off as a "Rent To Own" and you charge 5% down, now you could easily charge 10% but I am being conservative.

5% of 100,000 is $5,000.  Then you charge them $133.24 over the payment of $1,000 and they bring a payment in advance to closing.

$5,13324 plus the the $3,000 from the sellers makes you over $8,133.24!  The sellers are happy, they save a ton of money, the buyer is in their dream house and you made money on top of it.

"You Just Made $8,133.24 On Your First Deal!"

You helped the seller, you helped the buyer, and you helped yourself!

Everybody wins!

Now what is it that you needed to do this?

Specific Knowledge!

That is what I show you, that is what I give you the specific knowledge that you need to make all of this happen.

I can show you a whole new world of what is possible and how to make this work, but it will take some time, not years or even months.  I need just 15 days.

"One Of The Worst Mistakes You Can Make In Real Estate!"

You never want to limit yourself, you never want to be so focused on one part of real estate that you miss out on the fortunes to be made by expanding your model.

All too often you will see people go out and focus on how they can make money and how they can make the most out of a deal or how they can do this or that.

They stay focused on themselves.

What is even worse is that they only focus on one type of deal, they only learn how to structure a certain type of deal.  So now they are searching high and low for a seller and a buyer that fit a very narrow set of criteria.

That is why so many of them broke.

They just don't have that many resources at their fingertips; they just don't know how to help people very well because they aren't focused on how to do that - they stay focused on themselves. 

You should be able to put deals together, help people and make money regardless of the situation, you shouldn't have to find a motivated seller that you can take advantage of like too many other investors do.

"You Need To Have An Arsenal Of Solutions So You Can Help Anybody You Come Across!"

You want to be able to help each and very person you come across, not just victims of circumstance.  You can help those people too and I will show you that as well, but you need a model that is universal.

This way you will be able to become the Rainmaker in your area, helping everybody around you.  You want to be the person everybody comes to when they need results.

In my much longer and more intense mentor program I really focus on this; you must become the Real Estate Rainmaker being the one person in your area that makes it happen.

"You Want To Be The Real Estate Rainmaker - The Only Game In Town!"

That is exactly what I want to show you; how to become the one-stop solution for every real estate need.

That is my goal with every student!

I want you to be the single greatest resource to any and every seller, investor, buyer, Realtor, lender, appraiser, etc. in your area.  These people are going to need you.

When people need you then you can really make things happen.  There is no shortcut here, you must help people and provide everybody that deals with you incredible value.

When you understand the techniques and methods to help these people you are going to be able to make money hand over fist.

That is what I am here to show you how to do.

It is going to take some time and energy but I have the solution!

"10 Days Of Magical Money Making  Information!"

I am going to take you by the hand for the next 10 days and blow you away by exposing you to one of the greatest money making business models you have ever seen. 

I call it...

Azam's "10 Day, Step-By-Step, Buy And Sell Real Estate Without Getting Off Your Lazy A**, You-Won't-Find-This-Anywhere-Else-Because-I-Invented-It, 60 Day 100% Guaranteed To Make 100 Times Your Money Back In The Next 60 Days" Cash Cow Crash Course!"

I also have a shorter name; Azam's 10 Day 100% Guaranteed Cash Cow Crash Course. 

Remember I will take you by the hand and show you everything that needs to be done to build your business.

In the next 10 days I will show you exactly how to:

  • Have sellers begging you to take their properties

  • Buy properties with no money down

  • Use other people's money to buy your houses

  • Buy properties in less than 13 minutes

  • Sell properties before you buy them

  • Get paid thousands and thousand of dollar to "buy" properties.

  • Have people wire thousands upon thousands of dollars to your account immediately before you even meet them.

  • Build a network of buyers and investors begging to work with you.


"Here Is What You Get Over The Next 10 Days!"

Here is exactly what you get:

1.  My "Cash Cow, How To Build Your Real Estate Business With No Risk And Little To No Money And Get Maximum Profits, E-book!"

This will take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to make money in real estate I will show you exactly how to build your business the right way.

You will see how this is all possible and how you can buy properties without seeing them.  You will see how to get buyers and sellers to agree to anything you say, and much more. 

I will not beat around the bush, this e-book cuts right to the chase and you will know how to evaluate income generators in seconds and make your move immediately.

2.  7 "Cash Cow Million Dollar Lessons" over the next 10 Days! UPDATE: Now this is available in a 200+ page ebook titled "The Only Way To Make Money In Real Estate In The Next 23 hours!"  

I will never leave you in the dark, you will always know exactly what to do, why you need do it, and then exactly how to do it.

Every other day for the next 10 days you will be hearing from me.  I will send you a lesson to keep you on your toes, if you follow up and use my system you will see extraordinary results as countless others around the world have. 

After you read my program you will be exhausted and I understand that.  That is why I am providing this follow up training so that you know exactly what to do next, and then after that, and next after that, etc. 

3.  "Azam's Cash Cow  Audio Recordings" that reveal unheard of money making secrets. 

You will also get a some recordings from me as well.  On these recordings I will be discussing real estate money making strategies with the greatest minds in the industry.

Just a few minutes from these powerful sessions and you will walk away with the knowledge to build a fortune.

You will hear how you can turn literally a few extra seconds on the phone into an extra $10,000 a month. 

4.  Subscription to Azam's "Zero Down Cash Cow E-zine".

This is my weekly e-zine of over 50,000 opt-in subscribers.  Every week you will hear from me and I will deliver powerful piece of information.

You get audios, manuals, e-books, HUGE discounts, presentations, programs, software, etc. all geared at showing you how to make money.

5.  Membership to the Azam' Cash Cow Club.

As a member you are eligible for extremely generous discounts on special upcoming seminars, conference training, one-on-one mentoring, group sessions, retreats, etc.

You will be among the first to know about upcoming events and how to be a part of them.  I will let you know about the newest money making ideas and what they mean to you.

You will get your hands on our revolutionary ideas immediately and be able to implement them and build a variety of cash cows at will.

You will be a part of my personal club and a mastermind group that is headed in the same positive and lucrative direction. 


Here are very limited bonuses that are also included... 

I am not going to use a java script and tell you the deadline is tonight, all I can say is that I will not be offering this much longer.

I don't know when I will stop but based on the response it should be pretty damn soon!

So if you at all interested in making money in real estate you better jump on this!  Here are 3 BONUSES that I am throwing in to help you decide.

"You Get Over $19,700 In Free Bonuses That I Call Ethical Bribes By Ordering RIGHT NOW!"

I only want to work with people who are serious about making this happen, so to show you that I am serious I am going to ethically bribe you to the point that you would have to be brain dead not to take me up on this offer.

I have never seen so much given away for so little.  Here are four ethical bribes that will make you lose sleep if you don't order right now.

Ethical Bribe...

1.  Over $19,000 Worth Of Legal Forms - Everything You Will Need To Go Out And Buy Homes Today! (Value $19,000 That is an actual quote from an attorney, so right there I am saving you nineteen grand!)

Investing in real estate can be scary, especially if you are just starting out, I remember when I started out I was scared of hearing "Yes" because then I didn't know what to do.

That is why I am including all the paperwork you are going to need to make this happen, these forms and contracts will enable you to go out today to buy and sell homes left and right.

This paperwork includes everything you need to get started - everything!

I have had attorneys tell me that this paperwork would cost over $19,000 to put together, and that is only if you knew what to ask for.

This is just a small token of how serious and committed I am to you, all this paperwork is yours and included with you order.

Ethical Bribe...

2.  "A Two-Hour Intensive Audio Book Recorded By Azam Meo - The Inventor Of These Incredible Systems Himself!" ($2,495)

Just spending 30 seconds with the right person can make huge difference in what you are doing.  I want you to hear straight from me how to use my systems to make a fortune.

Obviously I can't take months and months of information and cram it into a few hours; but I will try.

This audio book includes six chapters with an introduction, all recorded live by me.  You hear it straight from the horse's mouth as I take you on a wild ride for over two hours showing some of the greatest money making techniques ever. 

Here is just some of what you will learn...

  • The Biggest Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make And How To Avoid Them

  • The Smartest Two Ways To Spend Your Time

  • How To Pick Up A Home A Day

As you know I normally charge about $500-$1,000 an hour for consulting.  Since this recording is over two hours this is worth at least $1,000-$2,000 an hour.

To be able to hear the inventor himself go through revolutionary systems is something I always wanted when I was starting out, this is why I went out of my way for you so that you have the very best information available.  This would very easily cost you thousands...

But I am throwing in OVER TWO HOURS as a FREE bonus.

Ethical Bribe...

3.  "An Extra 96 Hours Of Training!" (Value $395)

The original program is for 10 days, but for a limited time I will extend your personalized training for an extra 5 days.

Every day for 5 days I am going to email you a special report, a guide, a recording, actual deals that are yours for less than $100 (proceeds go to charity), step-by-step seller dialogs, agreements, etc. something that will help you build your business.

This is an extra 5 days, or 96 hours that you will have access to my mind blowing information, so you get a total of 15 days of money information aimed at showing you how to build the business of a lifetime. 

Ethical Bribe...

4. My Unheard Of 100x Guarantee!

This is infinitely better than any guarantee I have ever heard.

Here it is...


"I Personally Guarantee You Will Be Able To Make 100 Times What You Pay Me In The Next 60 Days Or I Will Give You Back Every Dime!"

- Azam Meo


If you are not completely satisfied with my program all you have to do is let me know within 60 days and you get all of your money. 

I am willing to put all the risk on ME!

All you need to do is document that you actually took the time to do what I tell you to do, this includes making calls, qualifying prospects, "homework" that is assigned during your 15 days of money making magic, etc.

BOTTOM LINE:  Do what I say and it will work FOR YOU!

What do you have to lose?

The real question is "Can you afford NOT to order my program?"


"Can you?"


"Not Only Do I Want My Training To Change Your Real Estate Business - But I Want To Change Your Life!"

- Azam Meo


You want to really grab the bull by the horns?  You want to make some serious money?

Let' take a second here and answer that.  How much money would you like to make?  How does $15,000 a month sound?  How about $15,000 a month and you don't even have to do anything?  The money just comes in like clockwork. 

You want to see how?

"How To Make Over $15,126.76 A Month, Each And Every Month In Residual Real Estate Income!"

Azam's 15 Day 100% Guaranteed Cash Cow Crash Course!

The keyword here is residual.  Remember that residual means that the money comes in regardless of what you do, it just keeps coming in even if you do absolutely nothing but breathe.

I know this sounds too good to be true and you aren't used to finding this kind of information very often so I am going to make things real nice and simple for you.

I am not going to just talk about big numbers without delivering results or going over exactly what it takes to make this kind of money.  In fact I will even show you exactly how to make over $15,000 a month using our system and why you are going to be able to do it.

Think about making $15,000 a month, less than 1% of the people in America anywhere near that kind of money.  So it really means something if you are making more than each and every month, right?

How many hours a week do you think you would have to work?  How long do you think it would take to make that kind of money?  How many real estate deals would you have to slave over to make that kind of money?

Ask Yourself...

  • Would it be worth 40 hours a week to make over $15,000 a week?

  • Would it be worth putting 5 deals together a month to make $15,000?

  • Would you work your tail off for 30 hours a week to make $15,000?

  • Is it worth spending 25 hours a week to make over $15,000 a month?

Well it is not going to take any of that.  In fact I am going to show you how to well over $15,000 a month with much less than than that.

You only have to "work" less than 10 hours a week!


You only have to do one deal a month!

Do you see a discrepancy?

If I show you how to put deals together in a matter of minutes and you are working ten hours, how come you only close one deal?

You don't.  I am being conservative and I just want you to see that even if you just close one deal a month you are well on your way to building wealth.  You could very well be a... should I dare say it... a millionaire!

You can make well over $15,126.76 a month following our simple and easy to use system.  You only have to do one deal a month and work less than 10 hours a week to get this kind of an income.

I want to be able to show you exactly how this is possible, but I just can't get into it here and now but I will make this available to you FOR FREE!

I will send you a "Cash Cow Chart" will break everything down for you and show you exactly how to make a fortune using our revolutionary system.

"The Real Reason I Am Doing All Of This And How I Can Afford To Do This..."

As the loyal right hand man to one of the premier real estate gurus in the world how can I offer this?

The answer is because the only way I am going to be able to expand is by helping people on a much larger scale, one way to do this is to send motivated investors like you my powerful information.

What you get when you join this program is so above and beyond anything you have ever seen that you will be back.  You will invest in yourself to make even more money.

I want to build relationships.  I can afford to take a hit on this sale and trust that you will know a good thing when you see it and that you will be back to buy more from me again in the future.

You will buy more from me because you will know NOT working with me and not learning my techniques will cost you millions!

It doesn't matter where you are, I will take you by the hand and show you everything.

Here is What You Do Need To Get Started:

Remember everything that comes with my 15 day cash cow crash course.  My Cash Cow Program shows you exactly how this process works. 

For the next 15 days you will be sent automatic information, this includes special reports, manuals, audios, books, recordings of deals, case studies, etc. 

You will get hundreds of pages of information that will tell you exactly what to do!

That is all you need, you need hands on instruction and a 100% Money Back Guarantee it if doesn't work like I offer. 

Here's What You Don't Need To Get Started:

Several hours to devote to building your real estate business.  This model is based on just working a few hours a week so you will not have to quit your job or make any major changes in your current daily activities to get started on building your cash cow.  In fact you can do this with less then 10 hours a week and eventually just 10 hours a month if you want.

A ton of money.  I am going to show you how to put these deals together with little to no money down.  Then I am going to show you how to get paid several thousand dollars to buy properties, you will actually walk away from closing with cash.  I will also show you how to use other people's money to buy your homes.  So you don't need to have a huge amount of cash on hand to get started and build you cash cow if you follow my steps. 

Good credit. Even if you filed bankruptcy yesterday you can still go out and buy a home today.  Using our techniques and method it will not matter what your credit is like, it will never be pulled it will not be an issue.  In fact I will show you how you can even get paid to buy homes even if you have terrible credit.  

Time to drive around and look at properties.  When you understand Azam's "Real Estate From Home" techniques you will not even have to leave your house to put these deals together.  You will be able to do everything from the comfort of your own.  The entire process can come together without you ever stepping foot outside of your house.  Initially you may feel better doing it the "old fashioned" because I know that is the way we are taught real estate has to work.    

An LLC or a corporation. I have heard people tell me that they are ready to go but they want to set up their legal identities first, I always tell them to skip and I am telling you the same thing, skip it.  Start making money first then as you are building assets and you have a cash cow set up your enterprises or whatever you want, but first get the ball rolling.  You don't need any type of entity set up to start cashing in from my system. 

A huge advertising budget. Of course you will want to advertise and market as a source of new business, but I will show you several ways to get free marketing and reach your audience for free.  I will also show you how to get the most for your advertising dollars so you will not need a great deal of money even when you advertising heavily.  

"Running Out Of Excuses Aren't You?"

Also keep in mind my incredible guarantee.

"I Personally Guarantee That You Will See How To Make One Hundred Times What You Pay Me Or I Will Eat A Live Cat!"

Just joking, I wanted to see if you were paying attention. ; )

Here is another way putting my outrageous guarantee...

"This Money Making System That I Invented WILL Knock Your Socks Off And Show You Methods That Aren't Found Anywhere Or I Will Refund Every Penny!"

- Azam Meo

That is right!

I guarantee that my system will work for you or I will give you ALL of your money back.  All I ask is that you actively participate in my program.

All you have to do is show up to the conference calls, read the information I share with you, listen the audios, basically just do what I say and this process will work for you.

Remember that I have personally coached people from all over the world and I cannot think anybody, anybody, that did what I said and did not see success. 

Now I am not saying that I am going to be able to spend time with you one-on-one when you buy this program - you have to pay a boatload of money for that - but I am saying but this program will change your life.

So there it is, my risk free guarantee.

You are running out of excuses to join aren't you?

"I Truly Want To Help People Like You!"

First of all any model we promote or participate in must help people.  So that is one of the first things you need to understand, we are about giving everybody we deal with tremendous value.  I want to make sure you understand this.

Nothing I am going to be talking about involves bringing harm to anybody else, the only way you will make money is by helping people.  If you are not willing to do that then none of our programs are for you.

So you understand we are out to help people and then make money. 

Now when you use this system you are going to be flooded with people begging you to take their money, so it is important you remember that we are trying to help people here, okay?

Some of the people in need of the most help in America and around the world are homeowners who need to get out of their home.  When you are about to lose your home, you are in bad shape.

Help these people and you will truly be doing a good deed and making money at the same time.  I have actually been called "An answer to our prayers!" by some of the people I have helped in the past. 

When you offer a solution people will find you, people gravitate towards solutions and you will need people to work with so this works out great.  Even though you will have motivated sellers coming to you I want you understand that you need to be working with motivated sellers.

Which I show you exactly how to do.

Let's cut to the chase shall we?

You want to make money, right?  Well let's talk about how much money you can start making immediately if you are ready to invest in some specific knowledge.

"Shows You Exactly How To Get Started In The Next 48 Hours!"

"I will deliver to you one solid, powerful program and 15 days of the most ground breaking, mind bending money making information you have seen." 

Azam's "15 Day, Step-By-Step, Buy And Sell Real Estate Without Getting Off Your Lazy A**, You-Won't-Find-This-Anywhere-Else-Because-I-Invented-It, 100% Guaranteed, Cash Cow Crash Course!"

Remember I will take you by the hand and show you everything that needs to be done to build your business.

In the next 15 days I will show you exactly how to:

- "Using other people's money to buy your real estate deals!"
This will allow you to buy as many properties as you want while walking away from closing with tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket each and every time you do this. 

- "3 rules to follow in order to put deals together in a matter of minutes!"
You have to do these in the right order or you can end up with lawsuits on your hands or in jail.  Once you go through these steps a few times you will be putting deals together right and left in less time that it takes to watch you favorite show.

- "The Secret to selling sell any property for 10% above market value FAST!"
You can even do this the same day as you buy the property.  You get the skinny on this reliable method so you can buy properties left and right for full market value and turn around and immediately sell them for 10% over the market value.

- "How to get paid to sell properties that you don't even own!"
You get the cash in your account immediately for properties that you never owned.  You get several thousand dollars without buying anything, you get paid before you have to perform.  You still have no risk.

- "Buy properties left and right with absolutely no financial risk, you get all the benefits and NONE of the risks!"
You will be buying properties left and right with ease and from the comfort of your own home.  Building and maintaining a lucrative home based business has never been this easy.  

"Are You Seeing This Incredible Value Yet?"


"Alright Azam So How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?"

First let me explain a few things about me...

As I said I was the former right-hand a legendary real estate guru.  I still work very closely with him.  Now he had a mentor program that cost $7,500 and we had a waiting list.

I was the exclusive mentor.

I was the only mentor.  I personally mentored every student in the program.  I am telling you this because I am very used to folks paying me several thousand dollars to learn directly from me.

I hold their hand through every step of the process and show them how to actually help people in their area, how to help people and make money at the same time.

We have had $10,000 Bootcamps, $7,500 mentor programs, $2,500 one-day events, etc. and I usually charge about $500 an hour for consulting.

"Why Am I Telling You This?"

My point is simple; folks from all over pay an arm and a leg to learn this stuff!

They do it because they know that they will make every penny back and then some on just one or two deals - and they will learn how to do hundreds and even thousands!

They know that when they pay me to learn from me, they are going to get an education of a lifetime.  They are going to have the specific knowledge they need to make a huge difference in their lives.

They are going to be able to make a fortune with these techniques.

And since I invented them they also know that there is no better source to learn from then me.

 "Is this Stuff Really That Wildly Fantastic?"

In a word "YES!"

Let me explain...

I could go on and on with countless success stories, sworn testimonials about how brilliant I am, folks from across North America telling you buying stuff from is the best move you can make, etc.

But instead of doing that...

I am going to explain some challenges I have done in the past that prove how crazy I am and how lucrative and unique the strategies I invented are.

"Three Challenges That Speak For Themselves!"

Challenge One:
"Can Azam Meo Buy One Million Dollars Worth Of Real Estate In 3 Days..."

- With Less Than Ten Bucks
- With No Credit Check Or Loans
- All Over America
- Without Leaving His House
- LIVE in front of cameras filmed by a professional film crew

Challenge Two:
"Can Azam Pick A Random Person With No Experience And Show Them How To Make $10,000 In Less Than 90 Days!"

Challenge Three:
"Can Azam Train A Room Full Of Students To Buy Just One Home Right From A Seminar Without Leaving The Hotel Room?"

Pretty tough crowd, huh?

Of course I wouldn't be pointing out these challenges if I didn't succeed.  Before I tell you how I did I want you to think about why I am telling you this.

I will tell you the real reason in a second, but first let's look at how I did.  Remember that I don't want to get too much into these "challenges" right now, I will do that in my books and on other sites, I just want you to know that you have come across the real deal.

Results From Challenge One:
"I Bought Over $2.3 Million Worth Of Real Estate In Less Than 10 Hours LIVE On Camera!"

Results From Challenge Two:
"I Took James Brickhouse Of Virginia And In Less Than 14 Days He Made Over $14,000 Using Just One Of My Secrets!"

Here is what he had to say...

"I made more in the last two weeks than I will make in the next 6 months! 


Thank you Azam!"

-James Brickhouse

Results From Challenge Three:
"I Took A Roomful Of 58 Students And Taught Them Just One Technique That I Invented A Few Weeks Earlier And In One Day They Bought Over 98 Homes!"

Now you see why people pay me an arm and a leg to learn this stuff.

This information is truly extraordinary.

The reason I am telling you this is not to brag but just to show you what is possible if you focus and use the simple systems that I teach.

I invented these techniques and you will not find anything like it anywhere else, I am the only game in town and I want to show you how to become the only game in town as well.

"Alright Azam So How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?"

You just asked me that and no I am not avoiding the question here, I just want you to see how valuable this stuff is, I truly want you to understand the value you are getting and how much folks are happily paying for this priceless info.

The last thing I want is for you to walk away because you didn't understand what you had in your hands, how fair would that be?

What if you entirely life were to change with just a small tweak that I show you?

It is happened for countless others why not you?

You know I have learned one timeless lesson...

"It doesn't matter what you do but how you do it."

What that means in relation to this is that if you are serious in general about making a change it doesn't matter what you do, whether it is real estate or not because you are going to make it happen.

Whether you want to quit your job, work from home, spend more time golfing or with your family, or making your family, it doesn't matter.  As long as you have a burning desire to make a change.

You see I can only afford to work with serious people, as long as you are serious about making a huge change I can show you how to use real estate to help people and make money to make that change happen.

So how much?

First let's look at how much this should cost...

First Let's Look At How Much This Should Cost...

Here (Again) Is What You Get:

All Of This Is Included In "Azam's Cash Cow Crash Course" For The Next 15 Days!

"You Get My 140+ Page E-book, 7 lessons sent to you via email and 2 audio recordings - and that is just the beginning!"

1.  My "Cash Cow, How To Build Your Real Estate Business With No Risk And Little To No Money And Maximum Profits, E-book!"

Below Is The Table Of Actual Table Of Contents From This Ebook That You Will Download In Minutes...



Why This Program Is So Powerful!

Chapter 1 
“Why Chasing Money Is One Of The Worst Things You Can Possibly Do!
 The Secret To Making Waterfalls Of Cash Come To You!

Trying to make money can be financial suicide: this is the real goal for any true entrepreneur!  You are going to kick yourself after reading this.  I am about to show you what almost everybody else misses and it is the reason so many people around the world are stuck in a vicious cycle.

Chapter 2
“The Two Biggest Secrets In The World That You Must Know!  Without Knowing This You Will Fail Miserably And Be Dead Broke For the Rest of Your Life! 

This chapter reveals the greatest approach to any task.  These are the guidelines to finding success no matter what you ever want to do, ever in your life.  It absolutely amazes me how many people simply fail to follow these two simple steps that guarantee SUCCESS.  After you read this chapter you will no longer be in the dark and you will know the exact steps you need to take to accomplish anything.

Chapter 3
“What Makes Me Such A Good
Mentor?  A Little Bit About Me And What Makes Me So Smart.

 My name is Azam Meo. 

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. 

My name is pronounced “Ozzum Mayo”. 

Chapter 4
“The Single Greatest Method Of Building a Business And Why OVER 90% of New Businesses Fail! Learn This Method Or Watch Your Business Go Down In Flames!

If you want to build a business you must understand the concept that I am about to share with you.  Every single successful enterprise, ever, has used this concept and its leverage to make money.  Just by reading this chapter alone you will ahead of over 90% of business owners and on your way to making a fortune.

Chapter 5
“How You Can Build a Six Figure Income In Less Than 15 Hours A Week!

In order to build an income in the top 1% of America with less than part time commitments, you must understand and read this chapter very closely.  You are about to see how all of this possible and understand exactly what you need to do to make it a reality.

Chapter 6
“How To Buy Real Estate The Smart Way, My Way - With No Money Down, No Credit, No Experience, No Income And Without Leaving Your House!

This method you will not find anywhere else, I INVENTED IT!  Your beliefs about real estate and making money are about to be radically changed forever.  Once you learn what you really need, and what you don’t to buy and sell properties you will be blown away.  You don’t need any income, any credit, any money down, or even a car to do this.  Now you can start thinking the smart way and build your business with no risk and all profit.

Chapter 7
“The Single Biggest Pressure Point In Building A Real Estate Cash Cow!”

This is hands down the most important part of buying and selling real estate, if you understand just this and nothing else you will make over $116,876.33 in real estate this year without getting a single loan, with no money down, and without getting off the recliner.  You are about to learn the quickest and most profitable way to buy any piece of real estate anywhere in the world.  This is another trademarked method that you will only find here.  

Chapter 8
Use My Fast Cash Method And Learn…
“Exactly How To Make Over $4,814.56 In The Next 16 Days!” 

You are about to see exactly how to make over $4,814.56 in less than 16 days from reading this.  These are the exact numbers and the exact steps you need to take to do this.  You are less than 20 minutes from knowing exactly what you need to do to start building your cash cow. 

Chapter 9
“How To
Get Paid To Buy Properties!  Walk Away From Closing With Over $5,490 In Your Pocket, With No Credit Or Income!”

Imagine getting paid to buy houses, you get over FIVE GRAND and you get the deed to property handed over to you.  You walk away from closing with a handful of cash and a house!  This chapter shows you exactly how to do it with no risk and again and again!

Chapter 10
"How To Make Over $15,657.76 Each And Every Month, Working Less Than 10 Hours A Week!

Do you want to be able to quit your job and spend more time doing what you want?  This chapter shows you how to build a substantial income from just 10 hours a week and without risking a penny.  Again these are the exact numbers and exactly how to do it without getting yourself into trouble.

Chapter 11
“The Secret Cash Cow Method To Making Over Over $213,978.43 A Year!”

As you should know by now it is never the money that makes the business or the Cash Cow it is the principles behind the money and how the business was built that matters.  Right now I am going to show you the process that ensures you make over $200,000 a year.  This is exactly how to become a millionaire in less than 24 months.

Bonus Section
“How I Bought
Over $2.3 Million Dollars Worth Of Real Estate In Less Than 10 Hours, Without Leaving My Basement!

 I didn’t even have to get off my lazy ass!

How is this even possible?  How did we pull this off?  Right now I am going to explain exactly how I bought 14 properties worth over $2.3 million dollars, with immediate equity profits of over $300,000 in less than 10 hours. 

But That Is Just The Start, Here Is What Else You Get...

2.  7 "Cash Cow Million Dollar Lessons" over the next 15 Days!   

Now You Will Be Able To Get All Of The Lessons At Once - Right After Your Order Goes Through!

Below Is The Table Of Actual Table Of Contents From This 200+ Page Ebook That You Will Download In Minutes...

“The Only Way To Make Money In Real Estate In The Next 23 Hours!”
Even If…

           - You Have Horrific Credit

           - You Have No Experience At All
           - You Have Less Than Ten Bucks 

"Azam Meo’s Unheard Of, Controversial And Trademarked Techniques Show Anybody How To Make Immediate Cash In Real Estate And Completely Dominate Any Market In The Country!"

Lesson One:
How To Conquer Your Real Estate Market - How To Think And Talk To Get Results!"

You don't want to be just another investor; you want conquer your real estate market.  To do this you are going to need to know how to talk and more importantly how to think.  In this section you are going to see exactly how to talk to people to get solid results, which phrases and questions to ask and why, the most effective way to have any conversation and the simple steps that will turn you into a real estate Rainmaker.

Lesson Two:
"How To Pick Up A Home Everyday With No Money, Terrible Credit, No Experience And Start Within 12 Hours!"

If you aren't picking up a home a day then something is wrong!  In this section we are going to get into some specifics, you are going to see how to buy homes left and right everyday you won't need any money and you can do this without even talking to a lender.  You will not even have your credit pulled - NO LENDERS OR BANKS!  You are going to be able to do this immediately and go out and pick up your first home today.

Lesson Three:
"How To Sell Your Homes Lightning Fast, Finding Unlimited Sources Of Buyers With Money!"

So now that you can buy homes all day long, you need to know how to sell them.  After you go through this section you will never have to worry about finding buyers again.  No matter what type of real estate you are selling these techniques will have you constantly flooded with buyers - and you can do this for next to nothing!

Lesson Four:
"How To Get Investors Wiring You Thousands Upon Thousands Of Dollars Right Into Your Bank Account - And How You Can Do This In The Next Few Days!"

Being able to work with investors can mean a literal fortune to you, if you do it right.  Right now you are about to see how to have investors eating out of the palm of your hand begging you to work with them.  I am also going to show you the little secret to making over $21,754.22 a month just from investors wiring money right into you bank account.

Lesson Five:
"How To Run Circles Around Your Competition And Be The Only Game In Town!"

I love this section.  This is one of my favorite sections - I just love it!  I don't care what you do, real estate related or not, if you read and apply even just 2% of what you will learn in this section alone, you will thank me for years!  This stuff really is that powerful, after reading this you will never ask or worry about "competition" in any market you ever enter, in any industry.  This is how we recently went into over 37 states buying and selling homes and obliterated any and all local "investors".

Lesson Six:
"The Single Quickest Way To Make Money In Real Estate!"

I taught this technique to a group of about 60 or so students and in one day they were able to put over 98 deals together.  I invented this incredible process.  Recently students have been asking me if it pisses me off that other "gurus" are already stealing my ideas and calling them their own.  I don't mind, I really don't.  Great ideas are always copied and I am just happy others are benefiting.  This is truly the fastest way to make money in real estate and the best part is you can get started within one hour from right now (depending on how fast you read) and make money doing this within days or even hours - I AM NOT JOKING - you don't need money, credit, a lender, a bank, an appraisal, nothing!  Man, am I good or what? ; )

Lesson Seven:
"How To Buy And Sell Homes Without Leaving Your House!"

One major issue that not enough business owners focus on is time.  To build a true Cash Cow you must be able to subtract yourself so your time is spent on what you want - not taken up by your "business" - you want to be able to do what you want when you want.  In this section we will go over the simple steps of another process I invented - making money in real estate without leaving your house.  Once you understand this you can get your first deal going within 15-20 minutes - I am serious...


3.  "Azam's Cash Cow  Audio Recordings" that reveal "never heard before" money making secrets.  These two audio recordings will be made available to you for download immediately! 

4.  Subscription to Azam's "Zero Down Cash Cow Newsletter".

5.  Membership to the Azam's Cash Cow Club.

Plus I Am Throwing In 4 Ethical Bribes As A Bonus...
This Is Over $19,890 In Ethical Bribes So That You Can't Say No - These Are Included Right Now And Unless You Order By Midnight I Can't Guarantee You Will Get Them!

1.  "All The Legal Forms You Need To Get Started Today!" ($19,000)

2.  "A Two-Hour Intensive Audio Book Recorded By Azam Meo Himself - The Inventor Of These Incredible Systems!" ($2,495)

Below Is The Table Of Actual Table Of Contents From This 2+ Hour Audio Book That You Will Download In Minutes...



Chapter 1
The Single Most Important Do-Or-Die Question You Must Ask Yourself As A Real Estate Investor - This Chapter Will Truly Change The Way You Do Business Forever! 

If you understand what I am going to cover in just this one section I promise (and guarantee) your real estate business will never be the same.  This has meant a literal fortune to me and the students I have taught this to; believe me when I say this chapter will change your life not just your business.  I really mean that!

Chapter 2
The Worst Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make – It Will Cost You Millions To Ignore This Chapter! 

Whether you are in real estate now or want to be soon this chapter is a must.  I can’t how many times I come across investors that are making the costliest mistakes possible because they just don’t know any better.  If you can’t put deals together within hours then you are missing the boat.  After this section you will understand how to structure your business the smart way without risking a penny, your credit, with no experience and in the shortest amount of time possible.

 Chapter 3
The Only Smart Way To Use The Internet And Why Nobody Else Is Doing It Right! 

Right now you are going to learn the biggest myth surrounding Internet Marketing, a myth that has cost millions of people billions of dollars.  In this chapter you will see the smart way to build your business and the secret to harnessing the power of the Internet and making the it work for you, all on a shoe string budget.

Chapter 4
Finally!  FSBO Techniques That Work Without You Having To Cold Call Anybody! 

I had to throw this chapter in the program.  All together too many people are wasting their time with archaic techniques and strategies that never made anybody any real money.  What you will learn in this chapter will FSBOs (for sale by owners) calling you and begging you to work with them.  No more cold calling FSBOs and getting rejected more than Bill Gates at his high school prom. 

Chapter 5
How To Pick Up A Home Every Single Day – What To Say And What To Do! 

If you aren’t picking up a home a day then you are really need to go through this chapter with a fine tooth comb.  In this chapter I will put some amazing pieces of this puzzle together and show you how to make a fortune by quickly and easily putting deals together in hours.

Chapter 6
The Only Two Ways To Take Your Business To The Next Level! 

In any business there are so many different areas to focus that it can seem overwhelming to figure out the best way for you to spend your time.  Right now I am going to make this task much easier by showing you the two areas of your business that you always want to focus on.  If you remember this and you will be able to take your business as high as you can dream. 


3. "An Extra 96 Hours Of Training!" ($395)

4.  "Azam's 'You Will Make 100x Your Money Back' Guarantee!" (Value - ???)

And Remember You Have My Guarantee That I Will Show You How To Make At Least One Hundred Times Your Money Back!

I there are several sections, or sessions, throughout my program you will see the entire value of your investment pay for itself several times, I call these "sessions" and here are just a few...

Session #01 - Tested And Proven Real Estate Success Guidelines ($79.95 value)
Session #02 - Residual Income - How to Create Systematic Income Generators From Your Properties ($495.95 value)
Session #03 - Real Estate Marketing Secrets Explained ($329.95 value)
Session #04 - Azam's Trademarked "Write an offer a day!" System  ($899.99 value)
Session #05 - 5 Times The Profits in One Fifth The Time ($699.99 value)
Session #06 - Forms-In-A-Box (Over $19,000 value *actual quote from lawyer)
Session #07 - 3 Secret Profit Centers Revealed - These Are All Around You  ($249.95 value)
Session #08 - Killer Seller Strategies And Secrets That Get Them Calling You ($159.95 value)
Session #09 - The Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Rehabbing A Property ($99.95 value)
Session #10 - The Quick and Easy Three Step Formula For Complete And Total Cash Flow ($239.95 value)
Session #11 - Real Estate Profits Without Buying Or Selling Real Estate ($9.95 value)
Session #12 - Building Your Real Estate Business For The Information Age ($219.95 value)
Session #13 - 60 Second "Take it or leave it" Deal Training  ($239.95 value)
Session #14 - The Single Quickest Way To Make Money In Real Estate With No Experience And With Terrible Credit ($739.95 value)
Session #15 - Buying Homes Without Getting A Loan ($539.95 value)
Session #16 - The 10 Words That You MUST Include In Every Offer You Ever Make ($299.95 value)

Plus if you order before midnight tonight you receive all 4 ethical bribes that I am offering so you can't say no...

  1. Killer FSBO Secrets Revealed ($149.95 value) 

  2. Telephone Success Strategies ($299.95 value) 

  3. Real Estate Web Sites That Work (And How To Get Yours For Less Than A Penny A Day!) ($49.95 value) 

  4. The "Sell It Before You Buy It" Technique Explained In Full Detail ($595.00)

Add All Of That Up And You Are Somewhere North Of $33,000 - I Am Throwing Everything But The Kitchen Sink In An Effort To Blow Your Mind!

Just Think About It, Why Wouldn't You This?

Here Are Just A Few More Amazing Things You Will Learn That You Can't Put A Price Tag On, These Bonuses Are Absolutely Priceless But Are Included When Buy This Program.

  1. Learn How I Bought Over $2.3 Million Worth Of Real Estate In Less Than 10 Hours! (Priceless!) 

  2. Personalized Guidance And Step By Step Explanation Directly From (Priceless!) 

  3. Information Straight From The Inventor Of This Entire System (Priceless)

  4. Step-by-Step Explanation Of Presenting Offers That Are RISK FREE To You (Priceless!)

  5. Knowing That None Of Your Credit Is At Risk And You Used None Of Your Own Money To Buy Your Properties. (Priceless!)

  6. Having A Business That Is Based On Huge Chunks Of Cash Flow And Not Ideal Projections, A Business That Will Ensure Your Family Is Financially Taken Care Of With Or Without You Around (Priceless!)

Total Price - $199.99

But Right Now I Am Offering A Special Discount To Get You Started: $50 Special Discount

This Brings The Total Price To Just $149.99!


Since I Am One Crazy Focher I Am Going To Take An Additional $50+ Off The Already Special Discounted Price But Only As A Marketing Test.

That means the price is now $97!

Final Price - $97
(Can You Believe It!)

"I Have To Be Absolutely Crazy To Give All This Away For A Measly $97!"

Think about how much you are getting for the next 15 days!

"It is less than $6.47 A DAY for the next 15 days!"

Remember you get I will deliver to you one solid, powerful program and 15 days of special reports, manuals, audio sessions, books, case studies as I walk you through and explain this entire program.

I don't know how long I will be able to keep the price this low so take advantage now and remember that with my guarantee you are completely safe and have nothing to worry about.

For Only $97!

Remember that the normal price is $199.99 but by ordering right now you are taking advantage of the specially discounted price of $149.99.  

That is $50 OFF the regular price. 

A savings of of over 25%!


Order before midnight and receive an additional instant rebate of over $50!  That brings the actual cost to $97!

That is it, JUST $97!

Only $97!
That Is My Cash Cow Crash Course For LESS THAN $6.47 A DAY For The Next 15 Days!

Before I conclude this letter I want to point out some facts that I think you should before making a decision about this...

Fact: You will never find this much information for so little anywhere - Trust me on this one!
Fact: Since I invented these techniques I am the only one qualified to teach it to you
Fact: As the only Mentor for the wildly succesful $7,500 program I have personally coached folks and I know what you need to know to make this happen
Fact: My house was raided by the FBI (long story that I get into later) and I was under more scrutiny than you will ever be, and I not a single transaction was ever questioned - how is that for safe?
: I truly want to help people and make money and anybody that pays me for anything always gets their money's worth - but don't take my word for it - read on and see what others have to say about me

By now it is decision time, do you walk away and lose a potential fortune or do you take action and embark on the greatest journey of your life...

The choice is yours!

A personal message from the "Real Estate Nut" himself, Azam Meo...

"Whether or not you buy this doesn't really make a difference to me as far as the money I make.

But ask yourself...

What kind of difference could the information make to you?

That is why I am doing this; I love seeing people make connections and the light bulb to suddenly go on because then you are able to make a huge difference in not only your life but those around you.

I want to see that!

Once we make even the smallest connections and make the slightest adjustments with our direction they can lead to astronomical leaps forward.

That is what I want to see happen with you.  I hope we can work together.

Either way you will always have my..."

Best Wishes,

Azam Meo

Azam Meo

Click "Play" To Hear A 150+ Year Old Secret And
What It Means To You...

P.S. CLICK HERE to read more about me.

P.P.S. I just realized how un-photogenic I am, you should see my driver's license - no wonder my house got raided by the FBI!


Here Is What Others Have To Say About Me And The Secrets I Have Invented...


"When I purchased your program I expected everything to be Real Estate related, but the info you are sharing with this group pertains to everything we do in life. 

I am so glad I decided to go with your program.... there is something about the way you teach and the way it just absorbs into my brain."

- Jarod Jamison
Self Employed Marketer
And Now Real Estate Investor

Portland, Oregon

"If you can't make at least $2,500-$5,000 in a very short period of time using just one of Azam's ideas than you are either not trying or not pay attention.  Azam's ideas are revolutionary and it has been a joy working with him."

- Dennis Bradford
Professor Of Philosophy
At University Of Genesa

Rochester, New York


"I made over $12,000 in less than 45 days using just one of Azam's techniques

Azam has one of the greatest investing minds I have ever seen.  He can't dress for shit but man he knows how to invest and make money.  You can't go wrong listening to this guy!"

- James Draille
Film Producer
Founder And CEO Of
August Echo Productions

Aurora, Illinois






"Azam is brilliant, absolutely brilliant!  His ideas are extraordinary and unique, I have a had a great time working with and learning from Azam, he is brilliant!"

- Sharon Wilson
Success Coach
Founder And CEO Of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


"I don't know what "Azam" means but from what I have seen in just one day I assume it means "awesome".  Just one idea I got from him enabled to put a deal together within a few hours.  Thank you so much Azam.

- Charlotte
Rochester, New York


"Azam had one idea that was so powerful I was able to start and put deals together today.  His ideas are unique and powerful!"

- Greg Ramsey
Las Vegas, Nevada


"Azam is an interesting guy, a little weird, but he knows his stuff!"

- Steve Pilot
Broad Ripple, Indiana


"I learned a great deal from Azam, his style is great and very direct.  He showed me how to get results when talking to people.  He knows what he is doing!"

- Anto
Real Estate Investor
 Louisville, Kentucky


"I am 18 years old, I had no experience in real estate whatsoever.  The day I learned about just one of Azam's techniques I was able to put six deals together before lunch!"

- Amber
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


"Azam is a real interesting guy, full of information and knowledge.  I learned a great deal just today and I look forward to more money making information like this in the future!"

- Mark
Las Vegas, Nevada


"Azam is fantastic, he is great.  His ideas are just astounding and he is always able to tell you exactly where the money is and how to get it in your pocket!"

- Bob Bauman
IT Consultant
Newark, New Jersey



By now you know if this is for you or not, if not then you will never know and I apologize for "wasting" your time.




Azam Meo


MoonMover Consulting

P.O. Box 117

Carmel, Indiana 46082

Fax: 317-569-8541


If you are using AOL, Hotmail or another ISP like that my response emails sometimes don't get through.


If you send me something stupid you can guess how I will respond...

Thanks again!

- Azam Meo


Azam Meo

MoonMover Consulting

P.O. Box 117

Carmel, Indiana 46082

Fax: 317-569-8541

Copyright 2000-2006